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5 Steps To Make My Website Better

Owning a website is challenging. To be recognized in the Internet’s ocean, to be really competitive, to keep the website bulletproof and running smoothly is a lot but a must to succeed.

Here you have 5 steps to make your website better, no matter the stage your business is. They are always helpful.

1. Analyze customer’s feedback and make a plan

Besides the regular checking of metrics and statistics you surely do, look into customers’ feedback. If you don’t yet have a way to receive such feedback, it’s time to enable it. Comments from clients about your site are useful guidance to adjust stuff. From design, quality of content, navigation experience, errors or obstacles they found, etc.

Users’ experience is a factor considered by search engines to rank your site, so don’t ignore it. Once you analyze and verify that data, define priorities, make a plan with clear steps to follow for fixing.

2. Optimize navigation

Design is a vital component of websites, and it involves different elements. Navigation is critical. It’s the map for visitors to explore your website. If the routes to find everything are not well designed or takes several clicks to satisfy a single search, you could lose clients. Time and growth of businesses can add big loads of content, products, etc. Navigation can get more complicated instead of easier. Take time enhancing it. 

Optimize navigation bar, make hypertext obvious, avoid confusion through the different elements on pages (menu, sidebars, content, footer, navigation signs…), make it 100% responsive on mobiles, etc. Navigation must be connected with your business’ goals. This is a gold tool to direct visitors to the pages that mean profits for you.

3. Upgrade security

The immune system of your website must be maintained and upgrade regularly. Security is never to underestimate. Attacks happen worldwide daily. Lack of maintenance or update can open vulnerabilities for your business site. Catch up on new tech to protect your business, keep SSL certificate, software and plugins up to date, manage passwords strictly, prefer two-factor authentication to log in, control accesses, and train every member of your team about security policies. Humans making errors are the main cause of data breaches.

4. Boost your website’s speed

Speed is a critical factor that totally impacts the whole website’s performance. With the minor signs of sluggishness, take action and fix it. Faster response when your site is requested, quick loading time is so appreciated by users and search engines. Evaluate the speed your hosting provider is supplying you, use a content distribution network, check a plugin to add speed, optimize images, etc. There are many good practices that can boost your website’s speed. Implement the best for your business needs.

5. Enhance your SEO

Nowadays, no business can neglect to have a SEO strategy. Rules to manage content change constantly, so you have to catch up and update such a strategy. Well-managed SEO improves visibility on the Internet, brand awareness, increases your organic traffic, and raises your position on search engine results.

Practices to enhance SEO are many. It is not just about developing your content and posts based on convenient keywords for your business. Not disregarding basics like body content format, page title, meta descriptions, links, etc. Or offering relevant content. It involves much more metrics, analytics, refreshing of low-performing pages, optimization of images, use of snippets… So work on it!


Businesses’ websites have to be constantly tested and enhanced. For sure, you are doing great in some things, but others require to be adjusted. Success in online businesses is a process of continuous learning and improvement. Don’t think about the effort, but the result!

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